Laser Therapy at Brunswick Central Vet Clinic
Brunswick Central Vet Clinic is proud to offer laser therapy, a non-invasive treatment designed to help reduce your pet’s pain and accelerate healing times. Laser therapy can be used on a variety of conditions both acute and chronic including: arthritis, post-operative pain, ear infections, wounds, and much more.
Laser therapy is quickly becoming standard of care in both human and veterinary medicine. Our staff members administer laser therapy via a handpiece that emits this therapeutic infrared light in a fast, drug-free, and soothing treatment. The light can treat surface problems such as wounds, as well as deeper structures, penetrating through fur, skin, and fat if necessary to reach damaged tissue.
The therapeutic infrared light targets the mitochondria in damaged cells and stimulates them to regenerate and stimulates them to return to optimal function. This regenerative process is called photobiomodulation (PBM). PBM does not impact normal cells, but can help damaged cells to recover from injury faster.
Laser therapy can be utilized as an adjunct to existing treatments, often reducing or replacing the need for pain medications.
Treatments take approximately 5 – 10 minutes; treatments are fast and pain-free, making them well-tolerated by most pets. There is no clipping or shaving required for the treatment area. When your pet arrives for therapy they will be situated in a comfortable position, and may be outfitted with laser-safe doggles. You will also receive laser-safe eyewear to wear during treatment if you remain with your pet during therapy.

Meet Thamee Daisy

Thamee Daisy attended our clinic for her routine Spey procedure. Laser therapy was offered and performed for Thamee post-operative.
One laser performed immediately post-op:

6 Days Post Op – almost completely healed:
Normal Healing time is 10-14 days.

A message for Thamee Daisy’s Mum:
‘That treatment was amazing – not a single scar at all these days on her belly, she healed so wonderfully and quickly from that laser therapy. Highly recommend!
It’s a fantastic treatment and I’m really grateful you guys suggested it!’